
Relieve itching caused by dry skin

Dry weather in winter, people's skin will be lack of water, especially in the elderly. But the lack of water will cause skin itching, this itching are relatively minor, but can also make a person feel very uncomfortable. If it is determined that itching caused by dry skin Brazil property investment.
Don't be too often take a shower in winter
Some people are very particular about health, must take a shower every day. But in the winter, can not take a shower every day. Especially the itching of the skin, to reduce the frequency of take a shower. And take a shower water temperature is not too high, can be controlled at 40 degrees celsius. Each take a shower time should not be too long, 5 - 10 minutes. The best choice of neutral and weakly acidic liquid soap, even without the use of liquid soap.
Take a shower after the first wipe the lotion to wipe the body
After the bath, but not to dry the body, but the first rub lotion. After the bath rub lotion skin not dry conditions, can make the moisture and nutrients more fully absorbed Dubai property price.
Give the room water
For the room Bubu water, such as a cylinder goldfish, or use a humidifier, can reduce skin itching caused by too high temperature, air drying.
Close fitting clothes to choose cotton
In order to avoid further spread to reduce itching, irritation of the skin. Personal clothing, must choose pure cotton, and permeability. Avoid clothes after contact with skin allergies.
Overnight tea quickly relieve itching Malaysia property investment
With warm Geye Cha shampoo or body, containing fluorine in the tea can quickly relieve itching, but also to the prevention of eczema efficacy.Relieve itching caused by dry skin

Posted by hamer at 20:49│Comments(0)

Relieve itching caused by dry skin